Early on Katerina Belkina knew about her exceptional talent to see the world through different eyes. Born in Samara in the southeast of European Russia, she was brought up in an creative atmosphere by her mother, a visual artist.
Her education as painter at the Art Academy and from 2000 at the school for Photography of Michael Musorin in Samara gave her the tools to visualize her ideas. Exhibitions of her sublime, mystic self-portraits ensued in Moscow and Paris.
In 2007 Katerina Belkina was nominated for the prestigious Kandinsky Prize (comparable to the British Turner Prize) in Moscow. Recently she got the Hasselblad
Masters Prize. Currently she lives and works in Berlin.
For all mankind. The theme of self acceptance in the moment of instability. The acceptance of: body, age, gender, your ethnicity and capabilities. I exist. My mission is
to find my own way.
Everything has worsened. The old pillars have collapsed, and new ones have not been found. We can’t think of anything better than blaming ourselves for what’s happening, for being in a precarious
situation again. And instability, as we know, is the way to development and change. But also to crisis. How to get out of this spiral? Where it is unclear and frightening - to try new things. To
suspend the program of destruction in oneself is to stop the program of destruction of everything around: humanity and humanness, the planet and ecology on it, peaceful existence. Understand what
our program consists of. Why do we continue to persevere. Can art resist destruction? Is it possible to change consciousness in one, to change the world consciousness? The project is interactive,
hybrid, includes a number of graphic works (photography+digital painting), multimedia graphics, video performances.
Für die ganze Menschheit. Das Thema der Selbstakzeptanz im Moment der Instabilität. Die Akzeptanz des Körpers, des Alters, des Geschlechts, der ethnischen Zugehörigkeit
und der eigenen Fähigkeiten. Ich existiere. Meine Aufgabe ist es, meinen eigenen Weg zu finden.
Alles hat sich verschlechtert. Die alten Pfeiler sind zusammengebrochen, und neue sind nicht gefunden worden. Uns fällt nichts Besseres ein, als uns selbst die Schuld für das zu geben, was
passiert, dafür, dass wir uns wieder in einer prekären Situation befinden. Und Instabilität ist, wie wir wissen, der Weg zu Entwicklung und Veränderung. Aber auch zur Krise. Wie kommt man aus
dieser Spirale heraus? Dort, wo es unklar und beängstigend ist - um neue Dinge zu versuchen. Das Programm der Zerstörung in sich selbst auszusetzen bedeutet, das Programm der Zerstörung von allem
um sich herum zu stoppen: die Menschheit und das Menschsein, den Planeten und die Ökologie auf ihm, die friedliche Existenz. Verstehen Sie, woraus unser Programm besteht. Warum beharren wir
weiterhin darauf. Kann Kunst der Zerstörung widerstehen? Ist es möglich, das Bewusstsein in einem zu verändern, das Bewusstsein der Welt zu verändern? Das Projekt ist interaktiv, hybride, umfasst
eine Reihe von grafischen Arbeiten (Fotografie + digitale Malerei), Multimedia-Grafiken, Videoperformances.
A two-room apartment is not just the most common type of a city home; it also represents a coordinate system for a typical urbanite. More than a half of my life I
spent in two-room apartments. The world is becoming more open to doing business, communicating, traveling, and establishing connections, and yet our life is becoming more and more
secluded. The world seems compressed to the size of a small apartment. Day in and day out our bodies are living through the motion within one or two spaces at the most, and on the
route between them. Each day starts with a certain ritualized sequence of actions.
At the same time, our minds are pondering over and sorting out global political conflicts, economic crises, information wars or actual wars. Our minds are traveling
around the world and communicating with those of the others no matter how far apart they are. Our minds are processing tons of data about totally strange people and places. We are passively
participating in the life of the global community, and our participation has no geography while our physical actions certainly have. This very dissonance splits ourselves more and more
evidently into two separate rooms, that of the mind and that of the body.
The photographic background of each piece of the project was shot in this or that corner of the dwelling where my life revolves. The video works as a peeping
hole of sorts or as a window across the street through which one can watch or rather spy on my daily not at all special actions, on my fussing around or my slowing down and hear the latest news
or a five-minute meditation track. Like an astronaut on a spaceship, I wake up and start my daily routine. I work, I get my chores done, care about my family and then I’m out on my spacewalk
into orbit‒ on the internet. I get connected to the rest of the world and rest while absorbing information, watching the lives of the others, thinking about serious social issues. It is so
mundane and so strange at the same time. Thirty years ago, the world was a completely different place. This period seems a turning point.